Metaverse: Interpol wants to innovate the way the police work

The international police organization Interpol is creating a digital image of its headquarters. Based in Lyon, France, users are able to tour the Metaverse headquarters. The project is also intended to innovate the way law enforcement agencies work
Metaverse presented at Interpol General Assembly
At this year’s 90th General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Commission, also known as Interpol, the organization is presenting its own Metaverse.
A YouTube video gives first impressions of the digital parallel world, in which registered users are allowed to explore an image of the headquarters based in Lyon. The announcement came as a surprise yesterday during the meeting in New Delhi, India.
Graphically, the metaverse is strongly reminiscent of the well-known representative Decentraland . According to the presentation on YouTube, Interpol does not just want to provide a single building, but actually use the product in depth.
Police drills in the Metaverse
Interpol obviously wants to compete with the well-known programs Decentraland and The Sandbox . The virtual world is intended to serve to maintain international contacts, to provide education or even to carry out police exercises.
Interact with other officers through their avatars and even take immersive training courses on forensic investigation and other law enforcement skills.
It says in the imagination. The offer should therefore include strategic exercises, but also enable forensic scientists to evaluate injuries. Access is via Interpol’s own Secure Cloud . This is to ensure the neutrality of the offer.
Yesterday, Interpol delegates had the chance to take a first look at the digital image of the French headquarters.
To many, the Metaverse may seem to represent an abstract future, but the questions it raises are the ones that have always motivated Interpol – helping our member countries fight crime and protecting the world, virtual or not, for all who live in make your life safer.
Explains Secretary General Jürgen Stock. A newly formed group of experts is to keep an eye on the concerns of the individual state police authorities on a global scale.
Crime scenes are to be reproduced in the metaverse in order to be able to understand events over the long term. In a rehearsal yesterday, police students were taught how to check ID at the airport.
Interpol responds to growing cybercrime
Interpol also apparently sees the Metaverse as a project designed to respond to growing cybercrime. After consulting large organizations such as Meta, Microsoft and the World Economic Forum, it is expected that certain crimes will increase dramatically in the coming years.
Interpol therefore considers social engineering, extremism or fake news to be categories that find a breeding ground through the metaverse and generally through increasing digitization.
The international police also wants to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering, data and identity theft , ransomware attacks and harassment through early involvement.
It is difficult to imagine that this plan can be implemented. Decentraland is already managed by a DAO today. The aim of such measures is to escape the control of central authorities.